Derminator 2 (best needler, ships from Europe)

Derminator 2 is a microneedling device engineered specifically for microneedling, rather than a modified tattoo gun. The duty cycle has been engineered to spend more time in the raised position such that the skin does not tear when moving the device over the skin. It also measures the depth of the needles in real-time and adjusts the force exerted by the electromagnet to ensure the needle achieves the selected depth.



The device ships from Europe and can take around 4 weeks to arrive, so stock up on sterile cartridges.

Purchase list:

Vaughter Wellness (manufacturer)

  1. Derminator 2 Microneedling device (device link)
  2. 9 needle cartridges (cartridge link), buy 20+
  3. Extra magnet (magnet link) the device uses a small electromagnet that can be ejected from the device if the microneedling cartridge slips off during use. It can easily become lost, so get an extra magnet.


  1. Alcohol prep pads (link)

  2. only for face microneedling- The Ordinary ethylated ascorbic acid serum (Ordinary link, Sephora link).

    The microneedling device glides across the skin much easier with lubrication, and microneedling is a great time to increase the penetration of hydrophilic ingredients like Vitamin C. But some serums with many ingredients have been shown to cause granulomas in the skin. This product is a simple two-ingredient formula I use with good results.